ผลการสืบค้น พบหนังสือจำนวน 10605 เล่ม
- Contract for Consulting Engineering Services, the Metropolitan Water Works Authority
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- Contractors Semi-Annual Report, Devcon Development Consultants in Support of Border Pat...
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- Contrasting Modernization in Chulalongkorn's Siam (1868-1910) and Meiji's Japan (1867-1...
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- Contribution to the Study of the Demographic situation of a Yao Village in Northern Tha...
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- Contributions to the Medical Facilities of Thailand from Sources Abroad Through Officia...
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- Control of the Coconut Beetles and Weevils in Thailand
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- Conventional and Unconventional Education for Newly developed Countries from America's ...
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- Cooperative Agricultural Development Project in Sappaya, Chainat, Thailand
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- Cooperative Housing Possibilities in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Pakistan, Phil...
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- Cooperative Ricefield Cultivation Among the Siang Dyaks of Central Borneo
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- Coordination of Technical Services for a Program of Concerted Action
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- Cornell University Bennington College Field Research Project Report
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- Cornell University Southeast Asia Program Data papers and Cornell Modern Indonesia Proj...
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- Correspondence on U.S. resettlement and refugee applications in Mar-May 1993
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- Cost Analysis for Planning-Programming-Budgeting Cost-Benefit Studies
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- Counter-Guerrilla Operations in the Philippines, 1946-1953
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- Counter-insurgency Training Program for Provincial Police
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- Country Study and Station Report, Republic of Vietnam
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- Country Training (Heavy Equipment Type) in Thailand for Laotians
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- Crop Labor Time and Motion Study of Selected Crops in Northeast Thailand
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- Crop-Peanuts Demonstrations, On-the-Farm Instruction
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- Crop-Sweet Potatoes Demonstrations: On-The-Farm Instructions
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- Crop-Velvet Bean Demonstration: On-the-Farm Instructions
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- Culao--A Vietnamese Fishing Cooperative and Its Problems
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- Cultural Continuities and Discontinuities in Southeast Asia
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- Culture Change of the Hill Karens in Northern Thailand
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- Current and Projected Educational Programs for Thai Adolescents
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- Current and Projected Secondary Education Programs for Thailand: a Manpower and Educati...
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- Current Attitudes in Northeast Thailand, Report No. 5
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