Thailand and Southeast Asia in cold war period before 1970s
สงวนรักษาเอกสารเชิงลึกด้านสังคมศาสตร์ และการพัฒนาประเทศไทย ตลอดจนพัฒนาการของภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกเฉียงใต้ หลังยุคสงครามโลกครั้งที่ 2 ตั้งแต่ทศวรรษที่ 1960 เป็นต้นมา รายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมโปรดติดต่อ ชั้น 6 สำนักงานวิทยทรัพยากร จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย อีเมล์ โทร +66 2 218 2959
- An Effective Counterguerrilla Procedure (In Readings in Counter-Guerrilla Operations)
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- An Election to Test Laotion Stability
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- An Evaluation of American Peace Corps in Thailand
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- An Evaluation of C. D. Program, F.Y. 1966
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- An Evaluation of Member-Education Program for Cooperatives in Thailand
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- An Evaluation of Sadjaban in Southern Thailand
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- An Evaluation of the General Elections on February 10, 1969
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- An Evaluation of the Potential Role of the Buddhist Monkhood in Thailand in Processes o...
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- An Evaluation of the University of Illinois-Chiengmai Project
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- An Experimental Projective Picture Study on Certain Thai Attitudes
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- An Exploratory Study of teh Role of Armed Forces in Education: Iran, Israel, Peru, and ...
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- An Giang, Revolutionary Development in a Pacified Province
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- An International Systems Research Center
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- An Interpretation of the Chinese Cultural Revolution
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- An Interview with a Communist Terrorist who Surrendered in Northeast Thailand
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- An Interview with a Communist Terrorist who Surrendered in Northeast Thailand (Part III)
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- An Introduction to Community Development in Thailand
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- An Introduction to Problems of Children and Youth in Asia
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- An Inventory of Non-Buddhist Supernatural Objects in a Central Thai Village
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- An Inventory of Training Institutes for Community Development in Asia and the Far East
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- An Investigation of the Water Balance in Northeastern Thailand
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- An Investigation on the Possible Influences of Secondary and Minor Elements on Guatemal...
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- An Official Associated with the Committee for the Defense of the National Interests ; T...
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- Analysis of Cooperative Credits Administration in Thailand, from Cooperative Principles
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- Analysis of Letter Received from Station 909 Listeners
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- Analysis of Personnel Data
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- Analysis of the Present Situation in South Thailand in Relation to the Internal Securit...
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- Analysis of World Education Readiness for Living in a Technical Age
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- Analytical Support for Defense Planning
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- Annotated Bibliography of CRESS Publications, August 1966
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- Annotated bibliography of Northeast Thailand
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- Annual Financial Report-Cumulative Data As Of June 30, 1968
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- Annual Financial Report: Cumulative Data as of June 30, 1965
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- Annual Operation Plans: A New Dimension in Planning for ECAFE Countries
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- Annual Progress Report the SEATO Medical Research Laboratory and the SEATO Clinical Re...
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- Annual Progress Report of the Rural Teacher Education Project (From 1 July 1965 to 30 J...
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- Annual Progress Report on the Rural Teacher Education Project (1 July 1966-3o June 1967)
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- Annual Report 1965
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- Annual Report 2518, National Statistics Office, Office of the Prime Minister
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- Annual Report for 1967 Agricultural Economics
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- Annual Report of Division of Agricultural Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, 1966
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- Annual Report of Police Department, 1974
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- Annual Report of TVA-AID Project Tailoring of Fertilizers for Rice
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- Annual Report University of Illinois--Chiengmai Project Contract AID/Fe-2, 2 August 62-...
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- Annual Report University of Kentucky Agricultural Center, Northeast
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- Annual Report University of Kentucky Team, USAID Contract AID-FE 261, June 30, 1973
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- Anthology of Related Topics on Counterinsurgency, Volume I, Irregular Warfare in Transi...
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- Anthropological Research on Health Problems in Wat Bot District, Phitsanulok Province (...
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- Anthropology and Counterinsurgency
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- Anthropology in AID Overseas Missions: Its Practical and Theoretical Potential
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- Anti-Guerrilla Warfare
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- Antimalarial Drug Supplies at Chiengmai
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- Appendix K. On Widsom (from Ku Daeng -- The Red Tomb: A Village Study in Northern Thail...
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- Appendixes-Troika on Trial-Control or Compromise? Volume III
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- Appraisal of the Colombo Plan
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- Archaeological Salvage Program -- Northeastern Thailand - First Season
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- ARD - Initial Project Selection Meeting in Changwad Udorn
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- ARD Agricultural Development FY 1966-FY 1968: Summary Presentation
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- ARD Briefing Material Kit
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- ARD Newsletter
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