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Nasometric assessment using Chula - 7 point scale nasality test
Precharitpukdee N., Pracharitpakdee M., Sutantawibon P., Jindarak S.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 848-857
Clinical course of preterm premature rupture of membranes
Phupong V.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 859-866
Leiomyoma of the female urethra
Leiomyoma S., Panyaworawut W., Sethawong W.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 867-871
Cancer Genetics
Namkanisorn T., Voravud N.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 873-886
Laboratory information management system, an application of computer information technology
Wiwanitkit V.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 887-891
Evidence Based Medicine to Clinical Practice Guideline Appropriateness and Decision Making
Suthichaiyakul T.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 737-739
Angiotensin Coverting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE-Inhibitor) vs. Angiotensin II type 1 Receptor Antagonist (AT1RA of AIIA)
Sangwatananroj S.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 741-747
Gender differences in demographics, treatment and outcome of Thai patients with acute myocardial infarction at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
Sangwatanaroj S., Indrabhakti S., Srimahachota S., Boonyaratavej S., Suthichaiyakul T.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 749-758
Patients with Irritable bowel syndrome : possible hypersensitivity to Capsicum
Thong-ngam D., Treeprasertsuk S., Sriatanaban A.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 759-766
Can urodynamic parameters predict the outcome of TUR-P in BPH patients?
Supitak W., Bunyaratavej P., Ratchanon S.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 767-775
Treatment of complete atrioventricular block caused by neurocardiogenic syncope with beta - adrenergic blockade therapy
Prechawat S., jirarojungkun W., Sunsaneewitayakul B., Sitthisook S.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 777-784
Beta blocker treatment in chronic congestive heart failure
Prechawat S.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 785-800
Right-sided diverticulitis: a not uncommon condition
Treeprasertsuk S., Thong-ngam D.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 801-813
Surfactant replacement therapy for infants with Respiratory distress syndrome in Thailand
Thaithumyanon P.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 643-645
Non - pharmacologic preventions of allergic diseases
Ngamphaiboon J.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 647-657
The 6th year medical students' evaluation of pediatric clinical teaching in the academic year 1998
Sanpawat S.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 659-667
Cardiovascular risk of students with mental retardation at Rajanukul School, Bangkok
Chaiwanichsiri D., Sa-mguanrungsrikul S., Suwannakul W.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 669-677
Effect of preoperative glucose - containing solutions and intraoperative glucose - deprived solutions on blood glucose levels during major intracranial surgery
Tuchida L., Somboonviboon W., Limutatip S., laungaroon M.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 679-689
Beliefs about breast cancer and practice of BSE: A pilot study of Thai women
Chaiphibalsarisdi P., Salyer J.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 691-702
Fracture femur: a clinical sign of child abuse, a case report in a 3 month old infant
Phancharone S., Boonsiri K.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 703-709
Extrahepatic manifestation of chronic viral hepatitis
Thong-ngam D.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 711-722
Surfactant therapy in preterm infants weighing 1250 grams or laee at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital
Thaithumyanob P., Praisuwanna P., Punnahitananda S., Sanpawat S.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 725-734
Continuing Medical Education (CME) in the near future
Chittmittrapap S.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 8 Year: 2000 pp. 555-556
The clinical study of efficacy and safety of Tamsulosin Hydrochloride for the treatment of Symptomatic benigh prostatic hypertrophy in Thai men
Kongkanand A., Ratana-Olarn K., Tantiwong A., Ruangdilokrat S., Yongslertvidhya Y., Kunachaichot N., Leungwattanakij S.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 8 Year: 2000 pp. 557-561
A comparative study of basic manual hematology laboratory skill examination scores among 4 programs medical students of the Faculty of Medicine of Chulalongkorn University
Siritantikorn A., Wiwanitkit V.
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 8 Year: 2000 pp. 563-569
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