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Nasometric assessment using Chula - 7 point
scale nasality test Precharitpukdee N., Pracharitpakdee M., Sutantawibon P., Jindarak S. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 848-857 |
Clinical course of preterm premature rupture
of membranes Phupong V. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 859-866 |
Leiomyoma of the female urethra Leiomyoma S., Panyaworawut W., Sethawong W. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 867-871 |
Cancer Genetics Namkanisorn T., Voravud N. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 873-886 |
Laboratory information management system, an application of computer information technology Wiwanitkit V. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 11 Year: 2000 pp. 887-891 |
Evidence Based Medicine to Clinical Practice Guideline Appropriateness and Decision Making Suthichaiyakul T. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 737-739 |
Angiotensin Coverting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE-Inhibitor) vs. Angiotensin II type 1 Receptor Antagonist (AT1RA of AIIA) Sangwatananroj S. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 741-747 |
Gender differences in demographics, treatment and outcome
of Thai patients with acute myocardial infarction at
King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital Sangwatanaroj S., Indrabhakti S., Srimahachota S., Boonyaratavej S., Suthichaiyakul T. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 749-758 |
Patients with Irritable bowel syndrome : possible
hypersensitivity to Capsicum Thong-ngam D., Treeprasertsuk S., Sriatanaban A. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 759-766 |
Can urodynamic parameters predict the outcome
of TUR-P in BPH patients? Supitak W., Bunyaratavej P., Ratchanon S. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 767-775 |
Treatment of complete atrioventricular block
caused by neurocardiogenic syncope with
beta - adrenergic blockade therapy Prechawat S., jirarojungkun W., Sunsaneewitayakul B., Sitthisook S. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 777-784 |
Beta blocker treatment in chronic congestive heart failure Prechawat S. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 785-800 |
Right-sided diverticulitis: a not uncommon condition Treeprasertsuk S., Thong-ngam D. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 10 Year: 2000 pp. 801-813 |
Surfactant replacement therapy for infants with Respiratory distress syndrome in Thailand Thaithumyanon P. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 643-645 |
Non - pharmacologic preventions of allergic diseases Ngamphaiboon J. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 647-657 |
The 6th year medical students' evaluation of pediatric
clinical teaching in the academic year 1998 Sanpawat S. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 659-667 |
Cardiovascular risk of students with mental retardation
at Rajanukul School, Bangkok Chaiwanichsiri D., Sa-mguanrungsrikul S., Suwannakul W. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 669-677 |
Effect of preoperative glucose - containing solutions
and intraoperative glucose - deprived solutions
on blood glucose levels during major
intracranial surgery Tuchida L., Somboonviboon W., Limutatip S., laungaroon M. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 679-689 |
Beliefs about breast cancer and practice of BSE:
A pilot study of Thai women Chaiphibalsarisdi P., Salyer J. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 691-702 |
Fracture femur: a clinical sign of child abuse,
a case report in a 3 month old infant Phancharone S., Boonsiri K. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 703-709 |
Extrahepatic manifestation of chronic viral hepatitis Thong-ngam D. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 711-722 |
Surfactant therapy in preterm infants weighing 1250 grams or laee at King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital Thaithumyanob P., Praisuwanna P., Punnahitananda S., Sanpawat S. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 9 Year: 2000 pp. 725-734 |
Continuing Medical Education (CME) in the near future Chittmittrapap S. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 8 Year: 2000 pp. 555-556 |
The clinical study of efficacy and safety of Tamsulosin Hydrochloride for the treatment of Symptomatic benigh prostatic hypertrophy in Thai men Kongkanand A., Ratana-Olarn K., Tantiwong A., Ruangdilokrat S., Yongslertvidhya Y., Kunachaichot N., Leungwattanakij S. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 8 Year: 2000 pp. 557-561 |
A comparative study of basic manual hematology laboratory
skill examination scores among 4 programs medical
students of the Faculty of Medicine of
Chulalongkorn University Siritantikorn A., Wiwanitkit V. |
Chulalongkorn Medical Journal Volume: 44 No: 8 Year: 2000 pp. 563-569 |